Overview This article helps you decide whether to assign a brief to a team or an individual freelancer on Contently. It also provides tips on vetting freelancers and best practices for reaching out be...
Overview This article explains how Contently automatically adds new stories to your portfolio and what to do if incorrect articles are added. It covers the search process and how to remove unwanted ar...
Overview This article explains how to use the version control feature to view changes made to your assignment since submission. It covers how to use the Viewing and Compare With dropdown options and h...
Overview This article explains how to mark your stories as published and add published URLs in Contently. It covers the benefits of doing so and provides a step-by-step guide for manual entry if you a...
Overview This article explains how to mark your stories as published and add published URLs in Contently. It covers the benefits of having a published URL and provides step-by-step instructions for ma...
Overview This article provides essential tips for writers who have been staffed to a publication on the Contently platform. It covers points of contact, pitching projects, and response expectations. I...
Overview This article provides a detailed explanation of the main features and sections of the platform, including version control, requirements, workflows, comments, assets, and activity tabs. It is ...
Overview This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to access and share your Contently logs in WordPress. These logs help the Contently product team diagnose any issues you might be experiencin...
Overview This article explains how to set up custom fields in your publication settings. It covers creating text and multimedia custom fields and provides best practices for using custom fields effect...
Overview This article covers how to effectively use our SEO tools, including adding and selecting SEO keywords, checking keywords for a story, and utilizing the Review tab for optimization. Informatio...