This helpdesk article guides you through the process of requesting revisions to a workflow step. It is designed for editors who need to send a completed workflow step back to its assignee with comments for revisions.
By manually transitioning the workflow back one step, you initiate the requested revisions process. You can enter comments that will be delivered to the assignee of the workflow step you are sending back. Only owners or managers can send the workflow back for revisions. Manually transitioning the workflow to any step that is not directly before the current one will not initiate the request revision process but will simply transition the story to that particular workflow step.
Requesting Revisions (Managers + Owners):
- Enter edit mode within the workflow
- Click on the Manual Transition dropdown at the top of the tab. On the right-hand side of the prior workflow step, you will notice a 'Send Back’ icon.
- Click on the workflow step with the 'Send Back’ icon
- Enter the details you would like provided to the assignee when they are notified that the step has requested revisions. If you would like to enter a different due date for the revisions, please also enter that on this form.
- The workflow is then sent back to the prior step
- After a Request for Revision has been submitted, the contributor will receive an email indicating that they need to make revisions to the workflow step they previously submitted.
- Once they log into the platform, they will need to accept the Request for Revision.
- The details that the ME/Owner has left for the contributor will be mentioned in a comment on the story.
- The story workflow should continue as it normally would.
This article explains how managers and owners can request revisions for a workflow step by manually transitioning it back one step. It also details the process for contributors to follow once they receive a revision request.