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Why are there articles by another author on my portfolio?


This article explains how Contently automatically adds new stories to your portfolio and what to do if incorrect articles are added. It covers the search process and how to remove unwanted articles.


Whenever you add a new story or publication to your profile, Contently runs a general search to find more stories written by you so that we can automatically add it to your portfolio to save you time.

Once our search finds the stories, they are added to your portfolio 10 at a time, each time you log in.

Unfortunately, this search tool occasionally pulls up incorrect results and writers with a large volume of publications or common names are affected the most. If you see any articles by another author on your portfolio, you can delete the articles from your list of projects.


This article details how Contently's search tool adds new stories to your portfolio and how to remove incorrect articles. It helps users manage their portfolios efficiently.

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