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How do I edit my account settings?


This article provides a guide on managing your account settings in Contently. It covers how to access and update your activity, email notifications, password, profile, and social network links.


To manage your account settings, sign into Contently and hover over your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen and select "Your account".

You'll be able to access the following information / settings:


Here you can view a record of your activity, including the number of pitches you’ve made, the number of stories you’ve completed, and your balance.


Here you can control your email notification settings by selecting or deselecting which actions you would like to trigger notifications. We recommend checking every box so you don't miss anything important.


Change or update your password.

Password requirements:

  • 8 or more characters
  • At least one number and one letter
  • A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Does not contain your username
  • Does not contain 3 or more identical characters Ex. aaa or 111
  • Does not contain 3 or more consecutive characters Ex. abc or 123
  • Must contain one special character such as ! % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~


Your profile contains all the vital information Contently’s Talent team needs to match you with a client, so it's important to fill out all fields and keep them up to date.

If you go on a freelance hiatus at any time, be sure to uncheck the “Available to work" setting.

For a full tutorial on ensuring your portfolio is eligible for client work, check out our article on optimizing your portfolio.

Social networks

This page is where you can link out to your other websites. Only list those you’re ok with clients viewing!


This article guides you through managing your Contently account settings, including activity records, email notifications, password updates, profile information, and social network links. Follow the instructions to keep your account up to date and ensure you don't miss any important notifications.

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