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What is Contently's inactive user account policy?


This article provides guidelines for members of the Contently talent network on how to maintain and optimize their portfolios to avoid deletion or being marked as spam. It also includes steps to take if an account is deleted in error.


As a member of the Contently talent network, you are encouraged to actively login and update your portfolio so that our clients are able to work with engaged and available freelancers. To ensure your portfolio is not deleted or marked as spam by our system, be sure to fill out the bio section, have at least one clip on your portfolio, and log in at once every 6 months.

If you'd like to learn more about optimizing your Contently portfolio, read here and if your account has been deleted in error, please reach out to


This article explains the importance of keeping your Contently portfolio updated and provides steps to avoid deletion or being marked as spam. It also offers resources for optimizing your portfolio and contact information if your account is deleted in error.

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