This article provides instructions on how to change your password if you can log in, and steps to reset your password if you cannot log in. It also includes password requirements and contact information for further assistance.
1. If you are able to log in and would like to change your password, hover over your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen and select "Your account."
2. Then select "Password" on the left sidebar to change your password.
Your password will need to meet the following requirements:
- 8 or more characters
- At least one number and one letter
- A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters
- Does not contain your username
- Does not contain 3 or more identical characters Ex. aaa or 111
- Does not contain 3 or more consecutive characters Ex. abc or 123
- Must contain one special character such as ! % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; <=> ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~</=>
If you cannot log in, go to our Reset Your Password page and enter the email address associated with your account. Follow the directions in the email sent to you. Be sure to check your spam folder.
If you cannot log in or do not have access to the email address associated with your account, please email with a link to your portfolio.
This article explains how to change or reset your password, including the necessary password requirements. If you cannot log in or access your email, contact support for further assistance.