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Navigating the Content Calendar

When you first log into Contently, you'll arrive on the Calendar page. You can use the Calendar tool to organize and display all your organization's content within a 6-week view. Each piece of content has it's own card, and clicking on a card opens up that individual item in the editor.


Planned Publish Date


There are two different views of the calendar. By default, the calendar will display content by planned publish date. Each content card will sit on the date you intend for it to go live. If you'd like to adjust the planned publish date for a content piece, you can drag and drop it to a new date.


Current Step Due 


Content pieces typically have several due dates before they are published. Separate from the publish date view of the calendar, you can toggle your calendar to the "current step due" view. This view of the calendar will display each piece of content on the most up and coming due date. 




The filter on the right-hand side of your screen allows individual users to parse down the content that appears on the calendar. You can filter by tags, pillars, users and status. For example, you can use the format filter if you'd only like to see video content. This will rid your calendar of any written blog posts, infographics, etc. The filters you use will not change what your colleagues see when they log in. When you log out of Contently and log back in your filters will be as you left them. 


Customizing Your View


You can customize your calendar view to see the information that is most important to you. If your organization has several instances, you can designate a different color for each instance. 


Creating Stories on the Calendar


To create a story in the calendar view, click the "+" in the top right corner of the day you wish to publish or the date the current step is due. A pop-up will appear asking for minimal details. 


If you simply want to create a placeholder story here, with no freelancer assigned, fill in the information and click "Save." 


If you'd prefer to create a full story brief and assign freelancers, click "Edit details." You'll be taken to the brief, where you can enter all pertinent information, create the workflow, and assign freelancers.

If you have Owner or Manager permissions, this feature will be available to you.


Creating Events on the Calendar


To create an event on the Calendar, click on the "+" in the top right corner of the calendar pane. 


From the drop down, select "Create event." 


Enter a related publication, then create a title and description for your event. For example, you might set a date for a client interview or a reminder to create a pitch request. 


Choose a start and end date for your event, and then click "Save." Your event will appear on the calendar.

If you have Owner or Manager permissions, this feature will be available to you.


    Choose files or drag and drop files
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