Learn how to efficiently produce content in Contently using brief templates. This article covers creating and using brief templates to streamline your content production process.
A great way to efficiently produce content in Contently is by using brief templates. This allows you to save commonly used story briefs, which may include your audience, pillars, campaigns, format, fields and tags. By creating a template you can save multiple combinations of above fields customized to your content production needs.
With this feature you will:
- Never have to clone content in Contently just so you can copy the brief
- Never have to worry that people other than you might forget to include custom fields and tags when provisioning a piece of content
- Be able to create and save custom brief templates for each format, campaign, pillar, audience
Below are two videos that will show you how to create brief templates and how to use them when creating a story.
1. How to create a brief template
2. How to use a template when creating a piece of content
This article explains how to create and use brief templates in Contently to streamline content production. It includes steps to save commonly used story briefs and videos demonstrating the process.