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Setting Up New Publications and Managing Client Accounts


This article explains the process for setting up new publications and managing client accounts when contracts expand or clients churn. It covers the necessary steps and the roles involved in creating, updating, or deactivating client publications.



Setting up new publications is a crucial task when a client expands their contract or a new client signs on. The process starts with logging into the admin portal and following a defined set of steps. The request for a new publication usually comes from the sales team, who inform the support team about new contract details or client churn. All the details for creating or deactivating publications are provided through Salesforce or a Slack notification from the sales team. The information shared typically includes the client’s contract details and what needs to be set up in the system.

Once the request is received, the support agent accesses the admin panel and follows the steps to create a publication. These steps include filling in the organization name, publication name, and other relevant details. It's essential to verify all information, particularly any client data, against what is available in Salesforce. If certain details are missing or incorrect, the agent must contact the sales agent for clarification before proceeding.


For deactivating accounts, the process is similar. When a client churns or ends their contract, the sales team provides the necessary information, and the support team deactivates the publication in the admin panel. The account is set to be deactivated on the contract's end date, and any further actions depend on communication from the sales team. For instance, if the client renews or modifies their contract, the same steps would be followed to either reactivate or update the account accordingly.

In rare cases, such as with the UPMC client, there are additional steps. UPMC has a unique process where users are created without receiving a welcome email. In this scenario, the support agent initially enters a placeholder email and later updates it with the actual email address. This manual intervention ensures that UPMC users do not receive an automatic welcome email from the system.


Verifying Salesforce information is another key aspect of managing publications and accounts. Support agents often don’t have direct access to Salesforce, so they rely on the sales team to provide accurate details. Any discrepancies need to be resolved before setting up or deactivating a publication. This ensures that clients’ account changes are handled smoothly and accurately.



Managing client publications involves creating new publications when clients expand contracts and deactivating them when contracts end. The process requires input from the sales team, and the information must be verified against Salesforce. Special cases, like UPMC, involve additional steps to prevent welcome emails. Verifying all client information and staying in communication with the sales team is crucial for smooth account management.

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