This article provides a step-by-step guide for Contently org admins to add a new Zapier integration. Follow these instructions to successfully integrate Zapier with your Contently account.
Note: You need to be an org admin in Contently in order to complete these steps.
Step 1: Log into Contently and navigate to the Integrations page in your Publication Settings.
Step 2: To view all of the integrations for your organization, click the 'All publications' option in the publication drop down. You must be an organization Admin to access this page. If you are not, but need to be, please contact help@contently.com.
Step 3: Click the ‘Add Integration’ drop down to add a new Zapier integration.
Step 4: Enter a name for your integration. This name will be used to distinguish your integrations from each other.
Step 5: Choose which publications should be able to push to Zapier. You can share this integration across multiple publications. Users across these publications will then share the API key.
Step 6: After you click Save, you will receive an API key and a link to the Zapier Install Guide.
Your new integration will now appear in the list on your Integrations page in Contently. Visit this page to edit your integration. You can always access your install guide and API key from this page.
This article guides Contently org admins through the process of adding a new Zapier integration. It covers logging in, navigating to the Integrations page, adding a new integration, naming it, selecting publications, and obtaining the API key and install guide.