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What is a campaign and how do I use it?


This article provides a comprehensive guide on campaigns in the Contently platform, including creating campaigns, adding and removing content, associating events, and linking pitch requests to campaigns.


In the following article, we will be reviewing the following:

  1. What is a campaign?
  2. Creating a campaign
  3. Adding and removing content from a campaign
  4. Adding events to a campaign
  5. Associating a pitch request to a campaign

1. What is a campaign?

Campaigns are a new feature in Contently platform that allow content teams to align their content creation activities by organization–wide initiatives:

  • Organize, plan and manage all content creation in alignment with overall marketing initiatives.
  • Ability to associate content, events and pitch requests with a campaign and track their status.
  • Monitor all of your organization's campaigns and easily share that information with stakeholders.
  • View the amount committed and spent on each campaign and a break-down of that by each piece of content.

Demo of Campaign functionality

Here's a short video that will walk you through all the different features.

2. Creating a campaign

In order to be able to create a campaign, a user must have the right permission. User roles of owner and manager types get this permission by default. You can create the campaign in one of the following ways:

Method 1: Click on the + icon on the top right corner and then select the create campaign option from the ensuing dropdown.

Method 2: Click on the campaign link in the top nav. You will be taken to a new campaign page which lists all your campaigns.

If this is your first time creating a campaign, this page will be empty. In order to create a campaign, simply click on the button that says create campaign.

Either option will lead you to a campaign creation form, where you can fill out basic things like:

  1. Publication Name: Choose one or more publications that are working on the campaign.
  2. Campaign Name
  3. Description (optional): Be descriptive about what this campaign is about. This field provides formatting options so you can effectively describe this campaign.
  4. Audiences (optional): If this campaign targets certain audiences, select them here. This list is populated using the audiences identified in participating publications' content strategy.
  5. Campaign Period: start and end date (optional)

Once you hit save, the campaign will be saved and will appear on the main campaign page.

3. Adding and removing content from a campaign

Users with the permission to create and edit campaign will be able to add content to a campaign.

Campaigns can include new as well as existing pieces of content. You can add content to the campaigns in the following ways:

  1. Adding an existing story to a campaign
  2. Adding a new story to the campaign

Adding an existing story to a campaign

Method 1: From the campaign page click on the + dropdown on the top right of the stories section. Choose the option to add existing story. In the following search box, type in the name of the story you want to search. Once the result appears in the list just click on it and it will be added to your Campaign.

Method 2: Search for the story you want to add to the campaign using library or Contently's universal search bar. Click on the story once you find it and then click edit in the requirements tab on the right. You will see a new field called Campaign, in order to add this story to a campaign click on the drop down. Click on the one you want to add this story to. Hit save and you’re done.

Adding a new story to the campaign

Method 1: you can click on the + icon on the top of stories section and click on "create new story" and fill out the ensuing form. Once you are done hit save and it will save a story under the campaign you wanted to save it to. It will be unassigned as it still doesn’t have workflow.

Method 2: Start by creating a new story and on the story brief form, select a campaign that you want to add this story to.

Removing content from a campaign

You can remove a piece of content from a campaign using one of the following methods. This requires permissions such as the ability to edit a campaign or a story.

Method 1: If you are on the story that you would like to remove from a campaign. The easiest way to do it, is to click the Edit button on the story's requirement tab. Once in edit mode, you'll see the campaign dropdown. Click on the drop down and select the choice - "Please select a campaign". Hit save, once done and this will remove the story from the campaign it was part of.

Method 2: If you are on the campaign page, scroll down to the list of content and find the one you would like to remove. On the far right of the list you will notice an "x" next to each piece of content. If you click on that, it will remove the story from the campaign. Once you click on it, you are asked to confirm, click delete and you are done. Please note, delete doesn't mean it will delete the content, all it's doing is removing it from being associated to this campaign.

4. Adding events to a campaign

A user with permissions to add and edit campaigns can associate events with any campaign. You can add events to the campaigns in the following ways:

  1. Adding an existing event to a campaign
  2. Adding a new event to a campaign

Adding an existing event to a campaign

Method 1: From the campaign page click on the + dropdown on the top right of the events section. Choose the option to add existing event. In the following search box, type in the name of the event you want to search. Once the result appears in the list just click on it and it will be added to your Campaign.

Method 2: Search for the event you want to add to the campaign. Click on the event to open it and then click edit. You will see a drop down for campaigns. Click on the one you want to add this event to. Hit save and you’re all set.

Adding a new event to a campaign

Method 1: You can click on the + icon on the top of events section and select the option to create new event. Then fill out the ensuing form. Once you are done hit save and it will save a new event under the campaign.

Method 2: Start by creating a new event by clicking on + on the top right hand corner of your screen and select a campaign that you want to add this event to.

5. Associating a pitch to a campaign

If you have permissions to add/edit campaigns, you will be able to create a pitch request as part of a campaign.

In order to do this, click on the '+' on the top right corner of the main navigation bar. Select create pitch request. You will be taken to the create pitch request page. Here you will notice a new field called campaigns. Fill out all the other fields like you normally would and then select the campaign you want to associate this pitch request with from the campaign dropdown.

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