This article provides an overview of the analytics dashboard, including production and performance analytics. It explains how to track content performance, contributor activity, and various metrics to optimize your content strategy.
Your analytics overview is your main dashboard. This dashboard measures how your content has performed over a specific time period. You can add various cards to your dashboard to customize your view.
Example of what your analytics overview page might looks like:

In addition to your various dashboards, the Stories page helps you track performance of individual stories. The Contributors page helps you track performance of your contributors by aggregating all of their bylines.
Contently offers two different types of analytics across these various pages:
Production analytics
Performance analytics
1. Production analytics
These metrics help you see the efficiency of your content creation process. On your dashboard you can add metrics like the number of pitches and stories created to stay on top of your team's progress.
Story price: To keep track of what you're spending, you can track things like average completed story price and completed story prices.
Pitches: Stay on top of the pitches your team is working on with metrics such as pitch acceptance rate, pitches accepted, pitches created, and pitches declined.
Stories: Follow along as your team creates more content with metrics like stories created and stories published.
2. Performance analytics
These metrics help you track things like visitors, attention time, and finish rate, which give you insight into how many people are visiting, reading, and engaging with your content. You can add these metrics to cards on your analytics dashboard. These metrics also appear on the Stories and Contributors pages in analytics.
Attention time: Measure how much time your readers spend actively reading your content. This metric is more precise than traditional "time on page" metrics because we use signals such as scrolling and highlighting to measure the time readers spend actively engaging with a story. Related metrics include average attention time per engaged story and average attention time per person.
Engaged stories: A story is marked as "engaged" once 2 or more people engage with a story for at least 15 attention seconds in a single day. We use the average engaged story as a benchmark to judge how recent content has been performing. Related metrics include average attention time per engaged story, average engaged stories per person, average finish per engaged story, and average people per engaged story.
Average finish: This percentage represents how far the average person scrolls through a piece of content. Related metrics include average finish per engaged story.
Engagement rate: This percentage represents the number of people who engage with a story for at least 15 seconds.
People: This metric includes everyone who visits a piece of content for at least 15 seconds from a unique device. If a viewer visits the same piece of content multiple times from the same device, they'll be counted as one person. Related metrics include average attention time per person, average engaged stories per person, average people per engaged story, and returning people.
Source: You can choose to pivot many of the metrics by a variety of options. When you pivot a metric by source, you will see where your audience comes from based on referrer, story URL parameters, and user-agent strings. If you use custom parameters, please let us know. More information about sources is included in this article.
For a complete glossary of the cards you can create including the pivot combinations that are available for each card, visit this article.
Note: Performance analytics are only available after you have installed Contently's analytics tracker on your website.
This article explains the analytics dashboard, covering production and performance analytics. It details how to track content performance, contributor activity, and various metrics such as story price, pitches, attention time, engaged stories, and more. The article also includes information on customizing the dashboard and the necessity of installing Contently's analytics tracker for performance analytics.